How to see faeries

How to see faeries

Recently, I have been revisiting the classic pop-up book, How to see faeries by John Matthews and Brian Froud. As the title suggests, the book is a guide to seeing faeries. I cordially invite you to read on more to learn more about the book. How do you meet...
A Nearer Moon

A Nearer Moon

I read this magical tale called A Nearer Moon for children by Melanie Crowder over the weekend and thought I would share. Luna’s challenge Luna is a young girl who lives in a village raised on stilts alongside a river and dam.  All of her life she has heard...
Verbena, the fairy

Verbena, the fairy

In my garden live six fairy sisters, called Verbena, Daisy, Mabel, Elidih, Violet and Lily. The sisters spend much time looking after my plants. They also love to play magical games like throw the wand and seek. Verbena, the Fairy Verbena, the oldest sister, is named...
Making Art with the Fairies

Making Art with the Fairies

Making art with the fairies can truly be a magical experience. Recently, I decided to start a fairy journal for the first time in many years. In the past, I have used this type of journal to record my magical encounters. I am making my new journal by hand and as I...