My Journal

Painting and planning the dollhouse’s interior

Painting and planning the dollhouse’s interior

This past week I've been thinking about what I would like the interior to look like and have been playing with ideas in my journal, drawing inspiration from L.M. Montgomery's  Anne of Green Gables and Jane Harrop's Edwardian Miniatures. Jane's book includes Edwardian...

Fitting windows and doing up the door of the dollhouse

Fitting windows and doing up the door of the dollhouse

Little by little, the dollhouse is transforming. This past fortnight I have been focusing on the dollhouse's exterior door and windows. I've fitted windows with craft sticks and acetate sheets and I've done up the front door. After reading Unearthing the Secret Garden...

Revealing the exterior of the dollhouse

Revealing the exterior of the dollhouse

Little by little, I have been working on the exterior of the dollhouse. In my vlog. I reveal the exterior. I transformed the exterior with the help of everyday materials, including egg cartons and craft sticks. I still have work to do on the windows and the door, but...

June Solstice Blessings and Update

June Solstice Blessings and Update

I just wanted to say a quick hello and extend my solstice blessings to you, Wonder Weavers. I'm still working away at the dollhouse and hope to reveal the makeover of its exterior walls next week. In my latest vlog, I recite an Inkan prayer. Cristóbal Molina, el...

Choosing swatches for the dollhouse and pottering

Choosing swatches for the dollhouse and pottering

This week I have been pottering in my little potted garden. Inspired by Beatrix Potter's Gardening Life by Marta McDowell, I have started a gardening planner and journal. Reading this book has also helped me reflect on my own journey in science. Like Beatrix, I have...

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