Welcome to the Art of Lisa Dunbar Solas

Lisa Dunbar Solas

An Australian artist weaving joy, wonder and the magic of Nature into art and life.


Australian Artist

Lisa Dunbar Solas

Lisa is a freelance writer and artist based in South Australia.

Born in Sydney, Australia, Lisa moved to the Central Coast at age one, growing up alongside a nature reserve. Living so close to the bush, she experienced Nature’s intelligence and magic first-hand.

From My Journal

A dollhouse bedroom renovation

A dollhouse bedroom renovation

The dollhouse renovation continues and this week I started work on the dollhouse bedroom. Located on the third floor,  the bedroom is slowly taking shape. This week I have laid the floors and wallpaper, made skirting boards and installed a lovely new fireplace. For...

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My first mini paper theatre

My first mini paper theatre

It took more than a month but I've finally finished the parlour! The final piece I've created is a mini paper theatre inspired by Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. You can watch me create it in the video below. During the creation process, I draw on English...

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Yashay Wasi book cover

Yachay Wasi

Yachay Wasi celebrates the career of I.S. Farrington. This volume represents a wide range of topics within the disciplines of history and archaeology.

Reviews for Yachay Wasi


‘The book values Ian Farrington’s vast and diverse work in regional archaeology from different parts of the world and draws attention to a multidisciplinary way of working.’ 

-Dr Francisco M. Gil García


‘Ritual scholars and archaeologists alike will enjoy exploring corollaries between these case studies.’

Dr Duncan Wright, Australian National University.

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