Two Surprise Gifts

by | Oct 2, 2020

A week after holding my very first fairy high tea, my little nature friends left two surprise gifts on the threshold of my fairy door! I was so surprised and excited!

My nature friends had left a mini basket of white eggs, six in total, and by their size, I could tell they were bird’s eggs. I wonder whose clutch is it? On top of the eggs was a small golden key. I think this might be the key that will unlock the fairy door … I will have to try it!

On the step of the fairy door, my little friends left a mini vase with a bouquet of Linaria ‘Soda Fountain’ flowers (their Latin name is Linaria vulgaris). Now, I know where these blossoms came from … I am growing them in a pot, just under my window. Someone picked them while I wasn’t looking – how cheeky of them!

My linaria flowers are very cheery. They are a mix of pastel colours: pink; yellow; and, white. Now, I didn’t know this until today, but the plant is an annual and a species of toadflax. It is native to Europe, Siberia and Central Asia

I was so delighted with my two surprise gifts. It just shows that magical things happen when you least expect it.

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