Do you love storytime? I do! Very often, I put aside some time, make myself a cup of tea and sit down with a picture book. I find it very relaxing to read out loud and I love to look at pictures. Last week, I read the delightful book, All about Fairies, by Izzy Quinn, an Australian author based in Sydney. The illustrations are by Hélène Magisson, a French-Australian children’s book illustrator.
I cordially invite you to read on to learn more about the book.
Discover all you need to know about fairies
All about Fairies helps readers explore the magical world of the fairies. All of the important questions are answered; where do fairies come from and where do they live? What are their wings made of? I learned things about them I never knew! For example, did you know that fairies keep dogs and cats? I didn’t!
Meanwhile, Hélène Magisson’s superb illustrations are one of the book’s great highlights. They are whimsical and colourful. I especially loved that they are inclusive; fairies from different parts of the world are represented. This is so important, for it invites all readers, no matter their cultural background, to relate to the fairies, while exploring their magical world.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing this blog, the book is listed as unavailable on Amazon and The Book Depository.
However, Izzy has written two other tell-all books about mythical creatures. They are All about Mermaids and All about Dragons. I am waiting in earnest for my copies to arrive! Hardie Grant is the publisher of the books.
Meanwhile, I highly recommend that a visit to Hélène’s website, where you can learn more about her and view her wonderful portfolio. Her beautiful illustrations have certainly ignited my imagination!
What books are on your bedside or sitting table at the moment, Wonder Weavers? I warmly invite you to share with me below.
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