A Fairy High Tea in the Garden

by | Sep 25, 2020

Have you ever held a fairy high tea party in the garden? Last week, I hosted my very first party. This party was planned over a few weeks and this was because I decided to make the table. I had already purchased my mini tea set a while back but struggled to fit a table of the right size, so I decided to make a one-legged table. The design was very simple. I bought a Kaisercraft coaster, and painted it with white acrylic. Then I moulded the leg from a small ball, around the size of a 20-cent coin, of Jovi white air-drying clay. I put the leg aside to dry. It took just over 24 hours to dry completely. I then super-glued the coaster and leg together and sealed the table with a clear varnish. Once the table was assembled, on a fine morning last week, I chose to set up the party under a pine tree. One by one, I laid out the mini plates, cups and saucers, the sugar bowl and the teapot. Meanwhile, for the main dish, I chose fresh blueberries, which I halved. I daubed them with honey for extra sweetness. As I learnt while working in Peru as an archaeologist, nature spirits often have a sweet tooth. As an accompaniment, I brewed rose with tulsi tea. With the fairy meal prepared, and the tea cooled a little, I then served the table set for four. Once it was time to pack up, any remaining tea or blueberries were left for Mother Nature’s other children, such as insects and birds. I think they were thoroughly enjoyed, for the leftovers vanished very soon after. If you would like to host your own fairy high tea in the garden, I cordially invite you to visit my online store, where I sell miniature tea sets. Also, if you would like to share your creations with fellow fairy architects, builders and cooks, I invite you also to join the Wonder Weaver’s Facebook Group. Until the next fairy adventure in the garden, wonder weavers, stay safe!

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